May 20, 2008

Edit this.

Not literally. I hate to edit. Maybe because I don't feel confident in it. I don't know everything that comes to editing. I have taken an editing course. I have reference text books. I ought to brush up on it. It's not that I'm terrible, it's just that it's time consuming. I'd rather have someone else to it for me.

However, I understand that it is something that I need to do. I have to edit and revise my story for class. It's my interpretation and revision of Ernest Hemingway's "Soldier's Home". And I did a terrible job proofreading. Also because I finished writing the story at 4:45 a.m. and the story was due at 9 a.m. Some of my classmates didn't hand it in by then, but I had to.

That's another problem with me. I can't sit down and write for a half hour straight. I did have this one idea, that I want to try to go further on with. I had this idea for a great story, and hopefully I'll get it up and going soon.

I really want to get a couple stories written this summer. And hopefully I'll find a place that will publish them.

I'm a slow writer. In the sense that it'll take me 2 days to write a story. I take long breaks in between sentences or paragraphs. It's insane. I wonder if there are any cures for this?

Well, I guess I should go edit this story. It's 15 pages long, with lots of mistakes. I did manage to get a B on it though.

My professor/advisor gave me some good advise, so I'm going to go fix this thing, at 10:30 p.m. why are writer's such night owls?

Anyways, good night.

- Suzy


[mandielion] said...

so how about bloop dying, eh?