Oh... I just "Wikied" it... it means:
is a term used to describe a force regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path.
Anyways, I've been trying to find my drafts of my story, and I just remembered where it may be... In my room...
I want to try to finish it this summer. I also want to fix up my story that I wrote for class. We'll see how that goes..
Later, Suzy
Edit: 7:50p.m.
My story wasn't in my room... But its okay for now.
I'm outside at the moment. I decided I needed some fresh air. So I turned on iTunes, put on shuffle and out comes Britney (Spears). I like her old stuff. It's very poppy. And I don't see any bugs flying, so that's good news too.
I think I will write a couple flash fiction stories tonight and then edit them later on. Or at least put some ideas down.
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