July 25, 2008

Borders.com and their books.

I'm reposting this from my other blog.

Ok-- Borders is doing what Wal-Mart is doing, which is you order something online and you can have it shipped to the store.

Normally and usually, I just go to the store to pick up the book, but I had a 40% off coupon and you could ship it to the store for free...

I ordered the book Saturday night and I got it today, so the timing was great.

However, the condition of the book was not. the side of the, where the pages are (not the binding) is dirty. The bottom of the cover is a bit creased and the edging is frayed a little.

It doesn't look like a brand new book.

And I would return, but I can't for the simple fact that I won't get it for what I paid for it.

Here are pictures of the book. I just picked it up an hour ago.

I don't think I'm over-reacting. The book came in this crap little cardboard box. They could have at least protected the book somehow. My book looks like a reject copy. I'm just upset. I've already contacted them. I saved $9 by ordering it online, next time I'll just get it at the store. At least I know what I'm getting.

I looked it up online and turns out the $9 that I saved is going to go towards sending the book back... Ugh...


Here's my entry responding to the things above...

I will have to send the book I ordered back, via USPS... which is going to cost around $9-10, which is what I saved by ordering it online. The book cost me $19 with tax to order it online. I had to pay $23 and change when I went to the store just now. Yeap... But here.. look at the book I got at the store... the previous entry shows the one I ordered. See the difference?

Ta da! I'm a little happier now. I hate going to the same store more than once a day... I feel stupid. Lol...

July 04, 2008


I don't even remember what that word means, but it came to mind.

Oh... I just "Wikied" it... it means:

is a term used to describe a force regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path.


Anyways, I've been trying to find my drafts of my story, and I just remembered where it may be... In my room...

I want to try to finish it this summer. I also want to fix up my story that I wrote for class. We'll see how that goes..

Later, Suzy

Edit: 7:50p.m.

My story wasn't in my room... But its okay for now.

I'm outside at the moment. I decided I needed some fresh air. So I turned on iTunes, put on shuffle and out comes Britney (Spears). I like her old stuff. It's very poppy. And I don't see any bugs flying, so that's good news too.

I think I will write a couple flash fiction stories tonight and then edit them later on. Or at least put some ideas down.

July 02, 2008

Newsweek's flubs...


I'm currently reading this week's Newsweek Magazine (July 7/July 14, 2008 issue) and I'm finding some interesting things.

First, on Page 37 in the right column titled "The Don't Bother States," the magazine lists Obama's and McCain's chances of winning a specific state. Under Obama, Newsweek lists Washington D.C. at 100%.

Except, Washington D.C. isn't a state.

Then on the next page, page 38, under "scorecard" they specify different physical characteristics that past president's have had and comparing them to the current candidates.

Under "Melanin," Newsweek writes:
An exclusive NEWSWEEK analysis has determined that 100 percent of our presidents have been white.

Well, no duh.

July 01, 2008

Bush leaves office in...


Since the last posting...

I've read The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult and then watched the LifeTime version of the book. It was decent. It stayed, for the most part, true to the book... Somethings were taken and put in different places and some things were changed for "TV" but sometimes, I think that if they kept what was in the book, the movie may have been a little better, but it was good.

I also watched The Plain Truth. I haven't read the book yet, but I'll wait until I forget about the movie so my mind is clear and I can separate the film and the book.

Lifetime also aired The Pact, but I missed it. I tried to download it on iTunes, but it didn't want to work. Which made me upset, because Megan Mullally (Karen on Will & Grace) is in it.

I'm happy now. iTunes finally fixed the problem, if there was one.. because no one could download the darn movie. It's downloading now. So, yay... $4 is going to be added to my credit card.. and that means I have $25 on it right now, and I can't use it anymore, because my dad is getting mad. So.. that's the last time. Besides, it's cheaper than paying $15 at the store for it, because they put it on a disc and shipped it.

Now I can just stick it on my iPod nano :o)...

Alrighty, I need to go read or sleep or something.

